Fredrik> no, expressions CAN BE USED as statements.  that doesn't mean
    Fredrik> that they ARE statements, unless you're applying belgian logic.

Hmmm...  I'd never heard the term "belgian logic" before.  Googling provided
a few uses, but no formal definition (maybe it's a European phrase so
searching for it in English is futile).  The closest thing I found was

    Or is it another case of Belgian logic, where you believe it because
    theres no evidence or motive whatsoever?

    Fredrik> no, it's Python, and it's designed this way on purpose.  go
    Fredrik> read the language reference.

What he said...  While Python borrows stuff from other languages where they
fit, it has a few core syntactic features that taken together distinguish it
from other languages.  Not allowing any statements to be used as expressions
is one of them.  Note that both "expression" and "statement" are
context-sensitive terms.  Fredrik applied them in their Python sense ("go
read the language reference"), while Paul (perhaps naively, perhaps
provocatively) seems bent on forcing a more general definition of the two
words on the thread.


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