Bengt, and all,

Thanks for all the good input.   The problems seems to be that .find()
is good for text files on Windows, but is not much use when it is
binary data.  The script is for a Assy Language build tool, so I know
the exact seek address  of the binary data that I need to replace, so
maybe I'll just go that way.  It just seemed a little more general to
do a search and replace rather than having to type in a seek address.

Of course I could use a Lib function to convert the binary data to
ascii and back, but seems a little over the top in this case.



Bengt Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:40:52 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Bengt Richter wrote:
> >
> >> BTW, I'm sure you could write a generator that would take a file
> >> and oldbinstring and newbinstring as arguments, and read and yield
> >> os-file-system-friendly disk-sector-multiple chunks, so you could
> >>
> >>     fout = open('mynewbinfile', 'wb')
> >>     for buf in updated_file_stream('myoldbinfile','rb',
oldbinstring, newbinstring):
> >>         fout.write(buf)
> >>     fout.close()
> >
> >What happens when the bytes to be replaced are broken across a block

> >boundary?  ISTM that neither half would be recognized....
> >
> >I believe that this requires either reading the entire file into
> >memory, to scan all at once, or else conditionally matching an
> >arbitrary fragment of the end of a block against the beginning of
> >oldbinstring...  Given that the file in question is only a few tens
> >kbytes, I'd think that doing it in one gulp is simpler.  (For a
> >file, chunking it might be necessary, though...)
> >
> Might as well post this, in case you're interested... warning, not
very tested.
> You want to write a proper test? ;-)
> ----< >-------------------------------------------------
> def sreplace(sseq, old, new, retsize=4096):
>     """
>     iterate through sseq input string chunk sequence treating it
>     as a continuous stream, replacing each substring old with new,
>     and generating a sequence of retsize returned strings, except
>     that the last may be shorter depedning on available input.
>     """
>     inbuf = ''
>     endsseq = False
>     out = []
>     start = 0
>     lenold = len(old)
>     lennew = len(new)
>     while not endsseq:
>         start, endprev = old and inbuf.find(old, start) or -1, start
>         if start<0:
>             start = endprev  # restore find start pos
>             for chunk in sseq: inbuf+= chunk; break
>             else:
>                 out.append(inbuf[start:])
>                 endsseq = True
>         else:
>             out.append(inbuf[endprev:start])
>             start += lenold
>             out.append(new)
>         if endsseq or sum(map(len, out))>=retsize:
>             s = ''.join(out)
>             while len(s)>= retsize:
>                 yield s[:retsize]
>                 s = s[retsize:]
>             if endsseq:
>                 if s: yield s
>             else:
>                 out = [s]
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     import sys
>     args = sys.argv[:]
>     usage = """
>         Test usage: [python] old new retsize [rest of
args is string chunks for test]
>             where old is old string to find in chunked stream and new
is replacement
>             and retsize is returned buffer size, except that last may
be shorter"""
>     if not args[1:]: raise SystemExit, usage
>     try:
>         args[3] =  int(args[3])
>         args[0] = iter(sys.argv[4:])
>         print '%r\n-----------\n%s\n------------' %(sys.argv[1:],
>     except Exception, e:
>         print '%s: %s' %(e.__class__.__name__, e)
>         raise SystemExit, usage
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> As mentioned, not tested very much beyond what you see:
> [ 2:43] C:\pywk\ut>py24 x _XX_  20 This is x and abcxdef
012x345 zzxx zzz x
> ['x', '_XX_', '20', 'This', 'is', 'x', 'and', 'abcxdef', '012x345',
'zzxx', 'zzz', 'x']
> -----------
> Thisis_XX_andabc_XX_
> def012_XX_345zz_XX__
> XX_zzz_XX_
> ------------
> [ 2:43] C:\pywk\ut>py24 x _XX_  80 This is x and abcxdef
012x345 zzxx zzz x
> ['x', '_XX_', '80', 'This', 'is', 'x', 'and', 'abcxdef', '012x345',
'zzxx', 'zzz', 'x']
> -----------
> Thisis_XX_andabc_XX_def012_XX_345zz_XX__XX_zzz_XX_
> ------------
> [ 2:43] C:\pywk\ut>py24 x _XX_  4  This is x and abcxdef
012x345 zzxx zzz x
> ['x', '_XX_', '4', 'This', 'is', 'x', 'and', 'abcxdef', '012x345',
'zzxx', 'zzz', 'x']
> -----------
> This
> is_X
> X_an
> dabc
> _XX_
> def0
> 12_X
> X_34
> 5zz_
> XX__
> XX_z
> zz_X
> X_
> ------------
> [ 2:44] C:\pywk\ut>py24 def DEF 80 This is x and abcxdef
012x345 zzxx zzz x
> ['def', 'DEF', '80', 'This', 'is', 'x', 'and', 'abcxdef', '012x345',
'zzxx', 'zzz', 'x']
> -----------
> ThisisxandabcxDEF012x345zzxxzzzx
> ------------
> If you wanted to change a binary file, you'd use it something like
(although probably let
> the default buffer size be at 4096, not 20, which is pretty silly
other than demoing.
> At least the input chunks are 512 ;-)
>  >>> from sreplace import sreplace
>  >>> fw = open('','wb')
>  >>> for buf in sreplace(iter(lambda
f=open('','rb'), ''),'out','OUT',20):
>  ...     fw.write(buf)
>  ...
>  >>> fw.close()
>  >>> ^Z
> [ 3:00] C:\pywk\ut>diff -u
> --- Fri Jan 14 02:39:52 2005
> +++     Fri Jan 14 03:00:01 2005
> @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
>      """
>      inbuf = ''
>      endsseq = False
> -    out = []
> +    OUT = []
>      start = 0
>      lenold = len(old)
>      lennew = len(new)
> @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@
>              start = endprev  # restore find start pos
>              for chunk in sseq: inbuf+= chunk; break
>              else:
> -                out.append(inbuf[start:])
> +                OUT.append(inbuf[start:])
>                  endsseq = True
>          else:
> -            out.append(inbuf[endprev:start])
> +            OUT.append(inbuf[endprev:start])
>              start += lenold
> -            out.append(new)
> -        if endsseq or sum(map(len, out))>=retsize:
> -            s = ''.join(out)
> +            OUT.append(new)
> +        if endsseq or sum(map(len, OUT))>=retsize:
> +            s = ''.join(OUT)
>              while len(s)>= retsize:
>                  yield s[:retsize]
>                  s = s[retsize:]
>              if endsseq:
>                  if s: yield s
>              else:
> -                out = [s]
> +                OUT = [s]
>  if __name__ == '__main__':
>      import sys
> Regards,
> Bengt Richter


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