© # this is an example of for statement
© # the % symbol calculates the remainder
© # of division.
© # the range(m,n) function
© # gives a list from m to n-1.
© a = range(1,51)
© for x in a:
©      if x % 2 == 0:
©       print x, 'even'
© # note that in this example, for goes over a list.
© # each time making x the value of the element.
© ------------------------------------
© # this is similar code in perl
© @a=(1..50);
© for $x (@a) {
©      if ( $x%2 ==0){
©      print $x, " even\n";
© }}
© # PS each daily tip can be run. Just
© # copy the python part and save to a
© # file and run it as "python
© # file.py". Try it.
© Note: this post is from the Perl-Python
© a-day mailing list at
© http://groups.yahoo.com/group/perl-python/
© to subscribe, send an email to
© you are reading it on a web page,
© program examples may not run because
© groups.google.com changes the post slightly.
©   Xah
©   http://xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/more.html


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