Bill wrote:
I have less than a week experience on linux, so I am a new newbie.
Python 2.3 came preinstalled.  I installed version 2.4.  All seemed to
go well except it installed to usr/local?

1. Was it wrong to install when logged in as 'root'?  Does it make a

2. I looked in the package editor and there was no way to uninstall
2.3?  Should I?  If so, how can I?  If not,what are the problems, if
any, of having both.

Thank you for your help.


/usr/local is the path on Unix systems where add-on software is traditionally installed. RH used to use Python heavily for many aspects of their RHL distribution. I suspect they still do this with Fedora. This is probably why the version of Python that came with Fedore cannot be removed (at least not easily).

It's OK to have the RH version and the latest version installed. You'll just have to specify the path to the version you wish to use when running your scripts like this:

/usr/local/python <>

There are some more advanced things you could do and I suspect others will give you better advice. But all in all, you're OK.

Have fun.

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