Tassilo v. Parseval wrote:
> Also sprach Jürgen Exner:
>> Xah Lee wrote:
>>> © %a = ('john',3, 'mary', 4, 'jane', 5, 'vicky',7);
>>> © use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
>>> © print Dumper \%a;
>> Wow, my compliments. The very first time that using Data::Dumper
>> actually may do something useful (formats the data more nicely).
>> Still, why you are passing a reference is beyond me.
> How else would you use 'Dumper' on a hash?

Well, fair enough. If you do a plain
    print Dumper(%a);
you do loose a lot of the nifty pretty printing that is provided by Dumper 



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