I didn't come across any illuminating discussion via Google, thus my question 
here (though it may be a neophyte question.) I am interested in the workings 
under the hood of Python's access of "files".

What is actually happening at the various stages when I create a file object 
and "read" it?

(1)    >>> f = file("C:/GuidosParrot.txt","r")

(2)    >>> hesjustsleeping = f.read()

At (1) have I loaded the file from hard drive into RAM when I create the file 
object?  What does this object know and how did it find it out?

At (2) am I loading the file contents into RAM, or just assigning what is 
already in RAM to a variable? 

Where is the work split between the OS and Python?  I assume the OS is 
responsible for "presenting" the file to Python, so perhaps the OS assembles 
this file from the blocks on disk and loads it into RAM at the time the file 
object is created?  Or would the OS simply have pointers that can assemble the 
file, and pass those pointers to Python?

Perhaps I've answered my question and the under-the-hood mechanics are handled 
on the OS side, and Python is just making requests of the OS...

My brain-teaser:  What I'd like to do is read the last ~2K of a large number of 
large files on arbitrary servers across the net, without having to read each 
file from the beginning (which would be slow and resource inefficient)...

Eric Pederson
ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])


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