That was a great clue.  I am an idiot and tapped on the wrong download
link... now I can read and parse the xml file fine - as long as I
create it in XML spy - if I create it by this method:

d=wxFileDialog( self, message="Choose a file",
defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard="*.xml", style=wx.SAVE
if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
# This returns a Python list of files that were selected.
paths = d.GetPaths()
layout = '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n'
L1Word = self.t1.GetValue()
L2Word = 'undefined'

layout += '<Vocab>\n'
layout += '    <Word L1=\'' + L1Word + '\'></Word>\n'
layout += '</Vocab>'
open( paths[0], 'w' ).write(layout)

I get hung up on the write statement, I am off to look for a a Unicode
capable file write I think...



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