Richie Hindle wrote:


I'll note that one fairly obvious pattern works very well for weakrefs
and __del__ methods (mutatis mutandis):  don't put the __del__ method
in self, put it in a dead-simple object hanging *off* of self.  Like
the simple:

class BTreeCloser:
   def __init__(self, btree):
       self.btree = btree

   def __del__(self):
       if self.btree:
           self.btree = None

Then give self an attribute refererring to a BTreeCloser instance, and
keep self's class free of a __del__ method. The operational
definition of "dead simple" is "may or may not be reachable only from
cycles, but is never itself part of a cycle".

This is very nice - I've been wondering about just this problem recently,
and this will be very useful. Many thanks!

From me too :)

One question: why the `self.btree = None` in the last line? Isn't
`self.btree` guaranteed to go away at this point anyway? (If the answer
is "it's necessary for weird cases that would take an hour to explain"
then I'll be more than happy to simply use it. 8-)

It's to allow the Closer object to act as a substitute for a .close() method on the object, the final full code of the Closer looks like this:

class Closer( object ):
"""Close the OIDStore"""
def __init__( self, client ):
"""Initialise the closer object"""
self.btree = client.btree
def __call__( self ):
"""Close and cleanup to prevent multiple calls"""
if self.btree:
self.btree = None
def __del__( self ):
"""Handle deletion of the closer object (close btree if necessary)"""

and we store one of these as self.close in the OIDStore instance' dictionary.

       self.close = Closer( self )

If the user explicitly calls storage.close() we don't want the __del__ trying to re-close the storage later. In other words, its an explicit requirement for *this* __del__, not a general requirement.

Have fun,

 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


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