> I tried to reply earlier... basically your "SocketServer.py" file is
> messed up. That line "AF_INET{,6}: IP (Internet Protocol) sockets
> (default)" should be commented out.  It should be part of a block of
> lines that are all commented out.

Thanks for your quick response. I am suprised that "SocketServer.py" is
messed up because I just installed Python and didnt touch any files in
Python's installation folder. Anyway I removed the comments at the top
and I still get the error

File "C:\Python24\lib\SocketServer.py", line 8, in ?

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'StreamRequestHandler'

If it is of any help here are the first few lines in SocketServer.py

__version__ = "0.4"

import socket
import sys
import os

__all__ =

"ThreadingMixIn", "ForkingMixIn"]
if hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"):

I opened the SocketServer.py in the IDE and it seems normal. Is there a
way I can check if the module is corrupted in the IDE?



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