On [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Daniel Bickett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I've been trying to convince my host to install python/mod_python on > > his server for a while now, however there are a number of reasons he > > is reluctant to do so, which I will outline here: > > I'm surprised that you're getting such detailed answers from him. > Usually, low-cost web hosts want to offer a one-size-fits-all package > that requires minimal interaction with customers. If you're paying > $10 a month for hosting and a host admin has to spend 1 hour sending > you email, that probably wipes out at least 6 months of profits from > you as a customer. If you want custom service you usually have to pay > a lo tmore.
I know him personally, which is part of my reluctance to ditch him entirely as most of you have suggested ;-) Suffice it to say I was able to gain access to a 2.2 installation that was already on the server, however for my intents and purposes I need a minimum of 2.3. Now I'm working on getting him to upgrade to 2.4 and install mod_python :) New quick question: As for the former, on the download page it states that the RPM distribution is sufficient for Fedora Core 3 *and similar*, and I'm curious to know if that applies to Red Had Enterprise as well. Thank you all for your answers and your time. P.S. As for your pricing question, I only pay $20 a year. His services are very affordable. You can see them all at the following link: http://www.snorland.com/webhosting/ -- Daniel Bickett [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://heureusement.org/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list