This script works. But why not make a 'Favorite Search' in ebay, and
have it send you daily email for a year?


|import urllib
|import smtplib
|def main():
|    # Perform the search
|    results = SearchEbay(['So long and thanks for all the fish',
|                     'NOMATCHFOUND',
|                     'Python Programming'])
|    # Email the results
|    Email('[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
|          '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
|          'eBay Search Results',
|          results)
|def SearchEbay(searchstrings):
|    ' Search eBay for the desired items'
|    searchURL = "";
|    results = ""
|    s = "eBay Search Results:\n"
|    print s,
|    results += s
|    for i in range(len(searchstrings)):
|        # Build the search URL
|        search = searchstrings[i].replace(' ', '-')
|        s = searchURL % search + " : "
|        print s,
|        results += s
|        # Download the URL
|        url = urllib.urlopen(searchURL % search)
|        data =
|        url.close()
|        # Write the URL to a file for debugging
|        fd = open('ebay %d.html' % i, 'w')
|        fd.write(data)
|        fd.close()
|        # Search for the number of items found
|        c = data.find('items found for')
|        if c >= 0:
|            start = data.rfind('<b>', 0, c) + 3
|            stop  = data.find('</b>', start + 1)
|            cnt   = data[start:stop]
|        else:
|            cnt = '0'
|        s = "%s items found.\n" % cnt
|        print s,
|        results += s
|    return results
|def Email(fromaddr, toaddr, subject, msg):
|    ' Send email'
|    msg = ("From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s" % \
|           (fromaddr, toaddr, subject, msg))
|    server = smtplib.SMTP('')
|    server.set_debuglevel(1)
|    server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg)
|    server.quit()


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