Thanks to all who replied.

As I mentioned, I am new to python. I will have to look some of this
stuff, but that is fine. I am trying to learn.

I am sorry I forgot to mention, the platform is windows-xp. I am doing
this for a client who has a small warehouse operation. Personally, I
usually use debian at home.

If it matters, the origianl file is coming from a portable scanner.
After it's uploaded to the PC, the file needs to be hand processed,
then loaded into an remote site with a mysql backend.

When new items are recieved, they are scanned into a portable device,
then transferred to a file on a PC. The python app will then process
that file to provide item counts so that the shipment can be easily
compared to the packing list (there has been a lot of trouble with
shipments not matching). Once the list is checked, the items will have
to placed into bins - this is why I need the file to be loaded into
excel. The corresponding bin numbers will have to entered into that
spreadsheet, then saved to a cvs, then the cvs will be processed into
the online database.


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