Ben Edwards (lists <lists <at>> writes:

> Have been working through Dive Into Python which is excellent.  My only
> problem is that there are not exercises.  I find exercises are a great
> way of helping stuff sink in and verifying my learning.  Has anyone done
> such a thing?
> Ben

I recently gave a Python crash-course in my company, and ran into the same
problem. There are many good Python tutorials, manuals, references etc., most
are accompannied by various code examples, but there are very few exercises. I
had a hard time collecting and inventing a few good exercises, about 12 in all.

There are probably some good exercises out there, but they seem to be relatviely
hard to find. Maybe they should be collected and organized at

I think building a large collection of good Python exercises could help both
those teaching Python and those learning it. Also, gathering a set of Python
exercises for those learning general programming concepts (variables, functions,
object-oriented, etc.) could help spread the use of Python for teaching

- Tal


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