On 2006-07-24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> import serial
>>> s = serial.Serial(0, baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, 
>>> timeout=None)
>>> s.write("\x33")
>>> s.write("\x00")
>>> s.write("\x00")
>>> s.read()   # "\x00" is returned here. This byte was already in the receive 
>>> buffer before issueing the write commands.
>>> s.read()   # The interpreter is blocked here as there is nothing to read 
>>> from the serial port.

Can you verify that the device is actually responding by
watching the data line with an oscilloscope?

> I'm completely clueless and would really appreciate your
> comments. If it helps, I can post a log from a serial port
> monitor captured when the provided T-logger program pulls data
> from the device,

I take it that means that other programs are able to read from
the device?

> as well as a log when pyserial is used.

Logs of the serial traffic would be helpful.

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