Ray wrote:
> David Cook wrote:
> > On 2006-07-24, Sybren Stuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Jython isn't up to par with current Python versions either.
> >
> > But the last release is up to the level of C-Python 2.2 or so.  I don't
> > really feel like I'm missing that much with it.
> You mean the alpha? They're rushing for a beta now that'll bring Jython
> to 2.2, I hope it'll come out soon.

Aren't they "rushing" for years? The last update of the Jython news
page is from march 2005. This is not very encouraging even if there is
a secret life of Jython. But maybe we shouldn't worry because we can
still read:

"Jython, lest you do not know of it, is the most compelling weapon the
Java platform has for its survival into the 21st century:-)"

I would eventually forget Jython completely and select a bridge like
JPype and ask for use cases and expected interaction between both

> But yeah, compared to IronPython
> (2.4 compliant, halfway to 2.5 even), it's pretty behind. But things
> are changing the development seems to be picking up speed again!

But you can't compile a Python module into a dotNet library that is
used from C# which is the very essence of the CLR. IronPython is not
more usefull than PythonNet.


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