Le Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:22:26 -0700, Nick Vatamaniuc a écrit :

> Unfortunately rotor has been deprecated but it hasn't been replaced
> with anything reasonable as far as encryption goes -- there are just a
> bunch of hashing funtions (sha, md5) only. If you need to replace rotor
> all together I would sugest the crypto library from:
> http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html
> It has  good encryption algorithms like AES, IDEA and others.
> I know it doesn't have rotor, because rotor is not a very good
> encryption algorithm -- I still don't know why it was ever included in
> Python. So refactor your code if you can to use AES for example.
> But of course if you have bunch of data encrypted with rotor that your
> program need to decrypt you can use this replacement found on
> mail.python.org:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-January/261304.html
> It is much slower because it was written in Python while the original
> rotor was in C, and I am not sure if it is _exactly_ the same.
> Good luck,
> Nick V.
> rony steelandt wrote:
>> I'm in the midle of porting a python 1.5 application to 2.4
>> I just discovered that the rotor encryption module isn't part anymore of
>> the 2.4 distribution.
>> Is there a way to add this module to 2.4, or what would be the simplest
>> way to replace this.
>> The existing application makes use of the rotor module everywhere, which
>> means in a lot of modules.
>> Thanks for any ideas
>> Rony

Thank you Nick
At least I can read the existing data.
i'll evaluate if i should continu to use this or implement another



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