Damjan wrote:
> BTW I'd choose TurboGears for it's flexibility, but I guess Django could be
> nice when more rapid results are needed (and the problem doesn't fall too
> far from the Django sweet spot).

Well actually I was thinking of exaclty the same thing, because our
apps are mostly CRUD apps anyway. However I just learned of one very
big killer--lack of support for Oracle and MS SQL Server. That pretty
much shoots Django down from the list, and with it Python.

> >> "Nah, we're not interested in Python."
> This is a hard attitude, but I have the same feeling about Ruby, I like
> Python and just don't see a reason to invest any time in Ruby (Rails or
> not).. and from that little I've seen from it.. I didn't like it.
> OTOH Ruby surelly is not that bad either.

Yeah, I know... in fact I have the same attitude towards Ruby too.
People have been telling me it's cool left and right and I go to see
some Ruby code, I go "UGH!", and refuse to continue. Maybe because Perl
is #1 on my Most Hated Language list. *shrugs*

Just that it's a big, huge, humongous pity to see Python keeps missing
the big thing over and over again. Last time when biotechnology was
hot, which language became The Language? Perl. Now simple web app is
hot? It's Ruby. Of course Python is used by Google and it's something,
but I guess a lot of people do not know that, even those making a
living in the IT industry. OTOH everybody knows about Rails and and
everybody raves about it, even those who haven't touched it!

> -- 
> damjan


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