Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
> On 2006-07-26 19:08:44, Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
>> Also, threading's condition and event constructs are used a lot 
>> (i talk about it somewhere in that thing I wrote).  They are easy to use 
>> and nice and ready for me, with a server wouldn't I have to have things 
>> poll/wait for messages?
> How would a thread receive a message, unless it polls some kind of queue or
> waits for a message from a queue or at a semaphore? You can't just "push" a
> message into a thread; the thread has to "pick it up", one way or another. 
> Gerhard
Well, I guess I'm thinking of an event driven mechanism, kinda like 
setting up signal handlers.  I don't necessarily know how it works under 
the hood, but I don't poll for a signal.  I setup a handler, when the 
signal comes, if it comes, the handler gets thrown into action.  That's 
what I'd be interesting in doing with threads.



Carl J. Van Arsdall
Build and Release
MontaVista Software


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