Is os.system() going to be deprecated in future ?.....I read somewhere.

Dennis Benzinger wrote:
> > My looks like this
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------CODE----------------------------------
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > import socket
> > import sys
> > import os
> >
> > s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> > host = ''
> > port = 2000
> >
> > s.bind((host,port))
> > s.listen(1)
> > conn, addr = s.accept()
> > print 'client is at', addr
> >
> > while True:
> >     data = conn.recv(1000000)
> >     if (data == 'MaxSim'):
> >             print 'MaxiSim'
> >             os.system('notepad')
> >     elif (data == 'Driving Sim'):
> >             print 'Driving Sim'
> >             os.system('explorer')
> >     elif (data == 'SHUTDOWN'):
> >             print 'Shutting down...'
> >             os.system('shutdown -s')
> >             conn.close()
> >             break
> > -------------------------------------------CODE
> > END-------------------------------------
> >
> > I am running this above program on a windows machine. My client is a
> > Linux box. What I want to achieve is that should follows
> > instructions till I send a 'SHUTDOWN' command upon which it should shut
> > down.
> >
> > When I run this program and suppose send 'MaxSim' to it, it launches
> > notepad.exe fine, but then after that it doesn't accept subsequent
> > command. I want is that it should accept subsequent commands like
> > Driving Sim and launch windows explorer etc untill I send a 'SHUTDOWN'
> > command.
> >
> > Any help on this, it will be greatly appreciated.
> >
> os.system() blocks until the called program has finished. Use the
> subprocess module <>:
> <untested_code>
> import subprocess
> subprocess.Popen("notepad")
> </untested_code>
> Dennis


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