On Fri, 28 Jul 2006 13:03:25 +0200,
Sybren Stuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dan Sommers enlightened us with:

>> We just did that at work (developed on the corporate-issued non-Unix
>> computers and then deployed on a Linux box), and had no problems at
>> all.  In a former life, I was a long-time embedded system developer,
>> where we *always* developed on one platform and deployed on another.
>> My experience with developing on your deployment platform is that
>> it's too easy for platform dependencies to sneak in without being
>> caught.

> I agree with you there. My bet is that you also *tested* on the
> deployment platform, though.

You win that bet.  (We actually tested on both platforms.)  *Not*
testing on the deployment platform is *definitely* asking for trouble.


Dan Sommers
"I wish people would die in alphabetical order." -- My wife, the genealogist

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