----- Original Message ----- 
To: <python-list@python.org>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 10:30 PM
Subject: Looking for a regular expression for this...

> Hi,
>     My string is a multi line string that contains "filename
>     <filename>\n" and "host <host>\n" entries among other things.
>     For example: s = """ filename X
>                     host hostname1
>                     blah...
>                     host hostname2
>                     blah...
>                     filename Y
>                     host hostname3
>                     """
> Given a host name, I would like to get its filename (The closest
> filename reading backwards from the host line). I could read each line
> until I hit the host name, but I am looking for an RE that will do job.
> The answer should be "Y" for host hostname3 and "X" for either host
> hostname1 or hostname2.
> Thanks in advance.
> --Malahal.
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Malahal, may I make this suggestion:


>>> import SE  # Cheese Shop

>>> Names_Filter = SE.SE (' <EAT> "~filename .*~=(10)=: " "~host .*~==, " ')
>>> print Names_Filter (s)

filename X: host hostname1, host hostname2, 
filename Y: host hostname3, 

Or: Without redundant words:

>>> Names_Filter = SE.SE (' <EAT> "~filename .*~=(10)=: " "~host .*~==, "  |  
>>> "filename ="  "host =" ", (10)=(10)"  "~, $~=(10)" ')
>>> print Names_Filter (s)

X: hostname1, hostname2
Y: hostname3





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