Traveler wrote:
> yes this is great i will work from that but how can i use say a list
> to pass 10 words?
> mylist = ['word1','word2','word3','word4']
> >for root, dirs, files in os.walk('~/mydir'):
> >    for file in [f for f in files if f.endswith(".txt")]:
> >        fh = open(file)
> >        for line in fh:
> >            # Search for words.
> >        fh.close()

The following will allow you to search a line of text for one of a list
of words.

import re

line = "line of text"
mylist = ["bogus", "text", "here"]

p = re.compile(r"\b(%s)\b" % '|'.join(mylist))
m =
if m: print "Found %s" %

Alternatively, the following will give a list of all words in a string
that appear in the list:

words_found = [word for word in re.split(r"\W+", line) if word in


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