On 2005-01-26, rbt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there an easy way to exclude binary files (I'm working on
> Windows XP) from the file list returned by os.walk()?

Sure, assuming you can provide a rigorous definition of 'binary
files'.  :)

> Also, when reading files and you're unsure as to whether or
> not they are ascii or binary, I've always thought it safer to
> 'rb' on the read, is this correct...

That depends on what you want.  Adding a 'b' will disable the
cr/lf handling.  Not sure what else it does.

> and if so, what's the reasoning behind this?

Behind what?

> Again all of this pertains to files on Windows XP and Python 2.4

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                                  at               "APPLE", I comprehend COST
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