northband wrote:
> Hi, I am interested in re-writing my website in Python vs PHP but have
> a few questions. Here are my specs, please advise as to which
> configuration would be best:
> 1.Dell Poweredge Server, w/IIS, currently Windows but considering
> FreeBSD

I may be a bit biased, but I would not run a web server under Windows...

> 2. Site consists of result pages for auctions and items for sale (100
> per page)
> 3. MySQL (Dell Poweredge w/AMD) database server connected to my web
> server

Have you considered Postgresql instead ?

> 4. Traffic, 30 million page loads/month
> I am trying to have the fastest page loads, averaging 100 items per
> result page.  I have read about using Apache's mod_python so I could
> use PSP.  

That's a possible solution.

> Any help or tips are appreciated.

You may eventually be interested in  Django (full stack MVC web
framework, runs on mod_apache, supports both MySQL and Postgresql)

or Myghty (Python's extended port of Perl::Mason, runs on mod_apache,
not tied to any RDBMS) + eventually SQLAlchemy (orm)

Now I can't tell if either one or the other beats PSP when it comes to
raw perfs...

My 2 cents
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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