Robert Kern wrote:

> David Bear wrote:
>> I built python 2.4.2 for suse linux 9.3. I configured it to be a separate
>> instance of python from the version packaged with suse.
>> Now when I start it I get an error:
>> python
>> Python 2.4.2 (#4, Jul 27 2006, 14:34:30)
>> [GCC 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/etc/pythonstart", line 7, in ?
>>     import readline
>> ImportError: No module named readline
>> however, I do have readline installed:
>> rpm -qa | grep readline
>> readline-5.0-7.2
>> readline-32bit-9.3-7.1
>> it id truly does exist:
>> locate readline
>> ...
>> /lib/
>> /lib/
>> /lib64/
>> /lib64/
> However, these are not the Python readline module. The Suse package for it
> is probably called python-readline or something like that.
okay. Since I grabbed the python tar file from, do I then assume
that readline is not included in the python source distribution? if so,
where would I find it. If not, what different build instructions do I need
to follow to make it build with readline?
David Bear
-- let me buy your intellectual property, I want to own your thoughts --

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