Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-08-01, Philippe Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Perhaps if Philippe could divulge the part number that's in
> >> the bottom right corner of the manual that he has, and/or any
> >> part number that might be mentioned in the first few pages of
> >> that manual, enlightenment may ensue ....
> >
> > That was cute ... over and out !
> Or perhaps it may not.
> Methinks it was all just a rather good troll.
> --

Now we have a few more questions i.e. apart from what CPU is in
Phillipe's device:
1. WHO was Philippe replying to -- Simon or me?
2. WHAT was cute?
3. Grant thinks WHAT might have been a rather good troll by WHOM?

Ah well never mind ... I think I'll just report the whole thread to
thedailywtf and move on :-)


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