On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:12:56 -0300, Gerhard Fiedler wrote:

> On 2006-07-31 15:00:15, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> In fact, the real question IMHO is: what would MySQL advantage over
>> PostgreSQL be ?-)
> A few years ago I did some research, and the result was that while
> PostgreSQL was claimed to have more features and a better design, the
> reports of database corruption seemed to have been more frequent than with
> MySQL. The usual reason given was that MySQL was more mature.
> I assume you don't agree... :)
> Gerhard

Maturity is an interesting word. The PostgreSQL pedigree 
reaches back about thirty years, which in some peoples minds, 
would constitute a degree of maturity. While I can't claim to 
have done your extensive (and well documented) research, I can 
say that I was a happy MySQL user a couple of years ago, using 
it to quickly serve up fairly static content. Happy, that is, 
until I put it into a more dynamic order entry/processing 
environment. I started finding glitches - orphaned records - 
one table totally corrupted. I found I was spending more and 
more time coding to make sure the transactions completed, and 
less time developing new code. I switched that client to
PostgreSQL and have had ZERO problems since. Many of the 
"features" that MySQL is only now adding are playing catchup 
to core data integrity values that PostgreSQL has had for much 
longer, so it could be argued that in some areas, MySQL can
be said to be much less "mature".


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