On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:51, Michael Yanowitz wrote:
> Hello:
>   Just wondering if this is a bug, is this as designed,
> or do I have to import math or something to make it correct:
>    I was just screwing around.
> and found:
> >>> -1/100
> -1
>   Shouldn't it be zero?
> 1/100  returns 0
>   returns -1
> >>> -10/3
> -4
>    It behaves correct for positive numbers, but for negative
> integers it seems to subtract one from the expected result.

It behaves correctly in both cases. Your expectation is incorrect.
http://docs.python.org/ref/binary.html says:
Plain or long integer division yields an integer of the same type; the
result is that of mathematical division with the `floor' function
applied to the result.

The floor of x is the largest integer number that's less than or equal
to x. The floor of -0.01 is -1.




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