Bryan Olson wrote:

> Duncan Booth wrote:
>>> >From a WinXP command prompt:
>>>     C:\>
>>>     C:\>cd /windows/system32
>>>     C:\WINDOWS\system32>
>> Not from my Windows XP command prompt it doesn't. Do you have anything 
>> strange installed on your system?
> Tons of strange stuff, yes, but I just tried it on a couple
> machines on display at BestBuy, and it worked as I showed it.
> Maybe a recent change.
As other postings to this thread have shown it is simply that Windows is 
taking the forward slash as introducing an option and then ignoring it 
entirely if the next letter doesn't match one of the options it knows 
about. So for example (/D being an option to CD):

C:\>cd /Documents and settings
The system cannot find the path specified.

C:\>cd /DDocuments and settings

C:\Documents and Settings>


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