Ben Sizer wrote:
> > Paul Rubin wrote:
> > > A typical shared hosting place might
> > > support 1000's of users with ONE apache/php instance (running in a
> > > whole bunch of threads or processes, to be sure).
> >
> > You just need to run multiple apache
> > instances, which is advisable anyway.
> > The hosting service formerly known as
> > python-hosting has been doing this
> > for years.
> Would you need one instance per user? Is it practical to run 1000s of
> Apache instances on one server?

I'm almost certain Apache spawns instances as needed.
If they are all active at the same time you will need at least
that many threads anyway and I don't think processes
are really much more expensive than threads usually.
But I'm not an expert on virtual hosting or apache or
even thread/process internals.

However when I do a "ps -aef" on my shared server
( I only see the apache
instances that are active, and not the 50 dormant
ones, if I recall.

   -- Aaron Watters

She was flirty, dirty, musta been about thirty
   -- 70's stones lyrics
She was nifty, shifty musta been about fifty
   -- 90's stones lyrics


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