Somebody on the Pywin32 list helped.  The problem is that:


is wrong.

It should be:


Then I can do the rest.

And no, you don't want to do the xlSheet.Copy().  That copies the
entire workbook and you end up with a new workbook.

But you have to do xlSheet.Paste().   Go figure!

> John Henry wrote:
> > I posted the following message to the Pywin32 list but if anybody here
> > can help, it would be appreciated very much.
> >
> > ============================
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I have a need to copy 3 rows of data from the top of my Excel
> > spreadsheet to another location.  I would have throught that this
> > should be very straightforward since I've done a fair amount of
> > Excel/Python programming.  Unforturnately, I am stuck on this one.
> >
> > The VB Macro says I need to:
> >
> >     Range("1:1,2:2,3:3").Select
> >     Range("A3").Activate
> >     Selection.Copy
> >     Rows("20:20").Select
> >     ActiveSheet.Paste
> >
> > So, I figure the Python code would be something like:
> >
> > <xlApp determined already>
> > 1) xlSheet=xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
> > 2) xlSel=xlSheet.Range("1:1,2:2,3:3").Select()
> > 3) #xlSel=xlSheet.Range("A3").Activate()
> > 4) xlSel.Copy()
> > 5) xlSheet.Rows("20:20").Select()
> > 6) xlSheet.Paste()
> >
> > Unfortunately, this doesn't work.  After line 2, xlSel becomes "True" -
> > not a "Selection" and so the code fails at line 4).  I am not sure why
> > I have to do the "Activate" on line 3 but it didn't matter, the code
> > still fails at line 4.
> My first guess is that the True returned in step 2 merely tells you
> the requested selection succeeded (the cells on the worksheet
> became highlighted). What would happen if you requested 500
> columns? Would you get False?
> My second guess is that step 4 should be xlSheet.Copy() based
> on your using xlSheet.Paste().
> For that matter, step 5 doesn't assign the result of the select to a
> variable. Perhaps that indicates that the assignment isn't necessary?
> Or maybe you should test that the selection succeeded before
> attempting to paste?
> >
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> > 
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Regards,


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