
Probably the best resources for learning Python are available online. Here are a few sites that you might find helpful:

1. http://byteofpython.info/

2. http://www.diveintopython.org/ -- Writted by Mark Pilgrim, covers many advanced material. The site says /"Dive into Python"/ is a "Python book for experienced programmers."

3. http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/ -- "Site for Text Processing in Python", a book by David mertz. You will find many other very good Python related material on his website.


---- Satchidanand Haridas (sharidas at zeomega dot com)

ZeOmega (www.zeomega.com)
Open  Minds' Open Solutions

#20,Rajalakshmi Plaza,
South End Road,
Bangalore-560 004, India

santanu wrote:

Hi all,

I know a little python (not the OOP part) learnt by studying the online

tutorial. Now I would like to learn it more thoroughly.

I have access to 'Programming Python' which I liked (on flipping
through the
pages), but the problem is it deals only with version 2.0 of Phython.

So, I would be glad if you could suggest me whether it would be really
a good
idea to learn from this book. In other words, will I have to unlearn
too much
after I complete this book (by the time I am done with this book, I
we will be having Python 2.6 or so).

Please suggest.



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