John & Mary Cook wrote:
> I just installed Python on Windows XP Pro.  When I enter 'python' at the >>>
> prompt in Pythonwin IDE I get the following:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
> Name Error: name 'python' is not defined
> Can anyone help?
> Thank you,
> J. T. Cook

That's because the Pythonwin IDE with the >>> prompt is already running
the Python interpreter.  The Python interpreter allows you to run
python statements and expressions with instant feedback.

Python doesn't define the 'python' name inside of itself.

I recommend that you read through the Python tutorial, and maybe do a
Google search for Python tutorials.

When you next see the >>> prompt, try typing in the following:
import this
print ' '.join( ('Python', 'rocks!') )


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