Brendon> Turns out that the website in question stores its data in the
    Brendon> format of a Python list
    Brendon> (, search the
    Brendon> source for "var table_body"). So, the part of my code that
    Brendon> extracts the data looks something like this:

    Brendon>      return eval(data[pos1+len(START_MARKER):END_MARKER])

    Brendon> My question is: what's the safe way to do this?

At the top level the lines look like a Python list.  On a line-by-line basis
they also have consistent structure.  Read it line-by-line, parse the lines
(using regular expressions or whatever), then append the parsed values to a
list, something like (untested):

    import re
    symbolinfo = []
    sympat = re.compile(
        r' *"(?P<name>[^"]+)",'
        r' *(?<n1>[^,]+,'
        r' *(?<n2>[^,]+,'
        r' *(?<n3>[^,]+,'
        r' *(?<n4>[^,]+,'
        r' *(?<n5>[^,]+,'
        r' *"(?P<s1>[^"]*)"
        r' *"(?P<s2>[^"]*)"
    for line in urllib.urlopen("http://...";):
        mat = sympat.match(line)
        if mat is not None:

The regular expression is fairly fragile, but that's okay.  If their format
changed from a list of ten elements to a list of eight or twelve elements,
you'd probably be interested in knowing about that asap.  eval() probably
wouldn't fail unless they completely butchered the table syntax.

With a small amount of input massaging, you could do this more cleanly with
the csv module.  That's left as an exercise for the reader.


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