Stephan Kuhagen a écrit :
>> Always prefer to use env over a hardcoded path, because that hardcoded
>> path will invariably be wrong.  (Yes, for those about to nitpick, it's
>> conceivable that env might be somewhere other than /usr/bin.  However,
>> that is very rare and results in a no-win situations regardless of the
>> issue of where Python is installed.)
> Don't yell at me for bringing in another language, but I really like the
> trick, Tcl does:
>>    #!/bin/sh
>>    # The next line starts Tcl \
>>    exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
> This works by the somewhat weird feature of Tcl, that allows comments to be
> continued in the next line with "\" at the end of the comment-line. It
> looks unfamiliar, but has several advantages, I think. First it's really
> VERY unlikely, that there is no /bin/sh (while I found systems with
> different places for env), and you can add some other features at or before
> the actual call of the interpreter, i.e. finding the right or preferred
> version... - This way I coded a complete software-installer, that runs
> either as a Tcl/Tk-Script with GUI, or as bash-script, when no Tcl is
> available. - I really would like to have something like that for python,
> but I did not find a way to achieve that, yet.
> Regards
> Stephan

What about that one ( windows .bat file ) :

@echo off
rem = """-*-Python-*- script
rem -------------------- DOS section --------------------
rem You could set PYTHONPATH or TK environment variables here
python -x %~f0 %*
goto exit

# -------------------- Python section --------------------
import sys
print sys.argv

DosExitLabel = """
rem """

I'm sure it can be updated to work on Unix too :)

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