Looking through the PIL docs I didn't see any obvious (one-line) way of concatenating two images. Given im1 and im2 which I wish to concatenate left-to-right, is this the simplest I can do?
def imconcat(im1, im2): # concatenate im1 and im2 left-to-right h1, w1 = im1.size h2, w2 = im2.size im3 = PIL.Image.new("RGB", (max(h1, h2), w1+w2)) im3.paste(im1) im3.paste(im2, (0, w1, h2, w2)) return im3 I was hoping for something almost as simple as the netpbm command pnmcat -lr im1 im2 Thx, Skip -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list