Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> At Thursday 10/8/2006 02:19, placid wrote:
> >chr =
> >while chr != "q":
> >     """ keep printing text """
> >     chr =
> >
> >but again this blocks too.
> >
> >is there a way to do this, wait for user input but dont block? I could
> >use a thread that just does the previous code block but i already have
> >three Thread classes, its just getting too complex with threads!
> If your script only needs to be run on Windows -as the subject
> suggests- you can use the msvcrt module:
> from msvcrt import kbhit,getch
> stop = False
> while not stop:
>    print "Hello world!"
>    if kbhit(): stop = getch()=='q'
> kbhit() is used to detect when a keypress is waiting, so the next
> getch() will not block.

Thanks for the solution ive got it working.  You were correct, the
script needs to run only on Windows.

Cheers (and thanks all for the replies)


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