Title: RE: Tkinter vs wxPython

*warning* My very own opinions ahead. no flame intended.

> Try them both out for an hour or two, and go with whichever
> one "feels right".  You very likely won't be making a mistake.

i did that for java+swing, python+tk, python+gtk, python+wxWindow and python+glade

I limited myself in one hour, and at a maximum 2 hours if the docs aren't perfect (i had zero experience at the time with all of them)

The program code was already written, it only needed the gui.

Java took me 3 hours to hook all the ungly hacks for dealing with threads in the AWT... but i will not elaborate on it because it would be kicking a dead horse. now for something completely diferent: python :)

tk: the docs where superberb! done everything in 25min! then spent an hour polishing and adding status bars for everything :)

gtk: had to use the C api docs. wasted some time figuring it out, gave up after one hour and a half and ended up with a window layout that didn't maximezed well.

wx: Almost two hours. Once you get used to the docs and get the knowledge to read some examples all is fine. i liked the result. and liked the api but disliked the sea of constants necessary (i hated it in gtk also)

glade: i gave up after 2hours of reading licenses and dealing with broken libs. Also, i can't run in beOS or tweak widgets. bah! rather go back to visual basic ;)

Now going back on topic: A think that neighter Tk nor wxWindow is a good choice for python. They both suck much of it when it came to abstraction. They're still better than glade or gtk. But could improve a lot. wxWindow has simple an ugly API, and Tk has a huge sin in the syntax to pass actions to the buttons.

But after all, i'm using exclusively TK for now. But things might change as i'm in a project with a huge need of non-ortodox input, so i may be going back to read about wxWindow event handlers or even pygame.



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