Stephen Kellett wrote:
> function()
>         loop1()
>                 blah
>                 blah
>                 loop2()
>                         blah
>                         loop3()
>                                 blah
>                         blah3
>         otherloop()
>                 blah
> Yes the above example is contrived - so that I could demonstrate what I
> wanted to demonstrate. But I've run into these problems with Python code
> I've written and when reading code written by others. Its a real
> problem, not just one I've cooked up for an argument.

[much snippage]

I actually agree with you here; when indentation goes on longer than a
screen it can become difficult know what that indentation is associated
with.  Braces may mitigate it somewhat, but not completely.  Some
points to consider:

* Python is inherently shorter than C/C++, so you're less likely to go
over one screen.
* Long functions should usually be refactored anyway and would gain
readability in any language.  The threshold here is smaller in python
because your code will do more significant things, vs C where your
screen gets covered with minutiae that you learn to mentally ignore.

Also, I wonder if a more intelligent editor would help here, one that
would visually indicate blocks as such:

|       loop1()
|       |       blah
|       |       blah
|       |
|       |       loop2()
|       |       |       blah
|       |       |
|       |       |       loop3()
|       |       |       |       blah
|       |       |
|       |       |       blah3
|       otherloop()
|       |       blah

Surely this would eliminate the problem?


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