Op 10-aug-2006, om 19:18 heeft Simon Forman het volgende geschreven:

> It might be a good idea to write a brief script to print out
> sys.platform, platform.platform(), platform.uname(), etc..  and  
> post it
> here for people to run and post their results.
> Peace,
> ~Simon
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

sys.platform is actually not needed anymore once you use platform, it  

So if you run this script:
import platform
You will get all the information that is necessary. And then you just  
need to provide it with a human-determined name of the operating  
system you're using.

My output:

  >>> import platform
  >>> platform.platform()
  >>> platform.uname()
  ('Darwin', 'imac-g5-van-michiel-sikma.local', '8.6.0', 'Darwin  
Kernel Version 8.6.0: Tue Mar  7 16:58:48 PST 2006;  
root:xnu-792.6.70.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC', 'Power Macintosh', 'powerpc')

And I'm on Mac OS X 10.4.6 on a G5 iMac.


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