jay graves wrote:
> Bytter wrote:
>> Hi ppl,
>> I've already posted this message through the mailing-list, but it seems
>> it never arrived here. Strange... Anyway:
>> I need to render high-quality vector graphics with Python. I was
>> thinking of something like 'cairo', though I need to run under win32
>> and can't find a pycairo package for it. Suggestions?
> AGG (Anti-Grain Geometry) is one such engine that a couple of people
> have interfaced to Python.
> http://www.antigrain.com/

Here are a couple of AGG wrappers for Python:
1) Fredrik Lundh's aggdraw allows you to draw AGG graphics on top of PIL
2) You can also check out my dvpaint module. http://tachyon.in/davinci/
(It is a part of a larger vector graphics project which i hope to work
on sometime in the future.)


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