Bayazee wrote:

> hi
> can we hide a python code ?
> if i want to write a commercial software can i hide my source code from
> users access ?
> we can conver it to pyc but this file can decompiled ... so ...!!
> do you have any idea about this ...?
> ---------------------------------------
> First Iranian Open Source Community :

Unless you have some very specific (patent-prone) algo in your code, I do
not think you really have an issue there: *.pyc is enough to disturb most

The real danger I see is a company trying to copy your concept as the real
IP (assuming the above is true) is in your specifications ... which can be
re-designed from looking at your application: I buy one legal copy of your
stuff, put a few smart guys on the deal and come up with a competitive
application some time later (I've seen companies do that).



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