Zeph wrote:
> 1) I want to write high-level apps that are db connected, networkable
> and cross-platform: Linux, Mac OSX, Windows. I know there are apps that
> can convert to Linux or Windows as stand-alone executables, is there
> also one that will permit me to convert to MacOSX?
Yes, py2app (http://undefined.org/python/py2app.html).

> 1b) Are these executable completely free from the need of the average
> user needing to install Python. Basically, I want to write and sell
> "compiled" apps.
Yes. However, you can have downloads of a dozen MBs for something that
could be 100KB for someone with the right pre-requisites already
installed. And I'd research a bit about decompiling those executables,
might be easier (or harder,  in my case) than you thought :)

> 2) I want a real and native GUI. wxPython or PyQT? My concerns are about
> cross-platform and responsiveness of GUI. I suspect that this will be
> one of the gravest issues for the long run.
wxPython. Even if  PyQT is "the best tool for the job", it'll cost you
to find that out (if you're planning to sell your software). So try
wxPython first. Actually, play with Dabo (http://dabodev.com/ ->
wxPython + DBs).

> 3) Can someone recommend a good framework that will enable me to keep
> things well sorted out, and easy to maintain as my apps grow? (I'm
> considering MVC, but have no idea how to apply it until I've gone beyond
> "Hello World").
Framework... MVC... not my area, sorry. However, try a look at Envisage
(http://code.enthought.com/envisage/, also
http://code.enthought.com/traits/ seems relevant) PEAK
(http://peak.telecommunity.com/), PlugBoard
(http://plugboard.berlios.de/) and Dabo again. All of which pass miles
above my head, so if you figure them out please share the wisdom :)

> 4) There are a lot of books and tutorials out there, but they are of the
> proof-of-concept type. Specifically, a tutorial might teach me Hello
> World, but not really care about the framework, because it's a very
> simple item, and the point is simply to get me coding. I'd like to start
> off with an established, tested and reputable system whose habits I can
> ingrain from day one, rather than figure it out later. Can someone
> recommend a good book, or your favourite tutorials? Perhaps even one
> that assumes MVC as the framework?
IMHO, you'd benefit from "wxPython in action"
(http://www.manning.com/rappin/). But see below.

> 5) Following the above, is there a framework that assumes tcp/ip udp
> networking, database connectivity? My first app will be in large part a
> networkable database type app where two or more users can share the same
> file concurrently.
Sure, tons of frameworks somewhat like that. Web-based, mostly. And
targeting the sane approach of a DB server talking to clients. Share
the same file? What kind of file would that be? :)

> 6) Since I've been a web-developer for a long time (over 10 years), I
> never properly learned OOP. Recommended tutorials?
http://diveintopython.org/object_oriented_framework/index.html -> I
love this one
http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/OOP.shtml -> gentle
http://www.ibiblio.org/g2swap/byteofpython/read/oops.html -> gentle
http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus7/html/book.html -> not so gentle :)
And search this group for "Book" to get much better recommendations ;)

> 7) I'm developing on WinXP and for the IDE, I'm considering
> theKompany.com's BlackAdder, Komodo or Eclipse. Any very strong
> negatives in regards to either of these?
Only one: PyScripter is better
(http://mmm-experts.com/Products.aspx?ProductId=4). And SPE is very
good too (http://stani.be/python/spe). Two negatives, PyScripter and
SPE. Also, Eclipse is so heavy and bloated that I wonder what it
eclipses :)

> 8) Can anyone speak to the point, or point out a useful comparison
> between Python and RealBasic?
Perhaps http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?design.4.70287.9

And a general recommendation: go for something easier as your very
first target. As you're a web-developer, writing simple and useful
tools (run tidy on files, simple pre-processors, bare-bones templating,
CSS inliner, etc.)  first would be IMHO both rewarding and a great
learning opportunity.

Hoping this helps more than confuses,


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