On 2006-08-15 15:28:36 -0400, "metaperl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Email to Kevin Smith regarding his plastex package failed. I hope he
> read this group. The tarball that he needs to reproduce the error is
> here:
> http://arc.livingcosmos.org/wolfram-fruit2/wolfram-fruit.tar.gz
> Hi, when attempting to type plastex wolfram-fruit.tex on the attached
> latex document, I got some errors.

The main issue is that I hadn't implemented the wrapfig package yet.  
plasTeX tried to load it natively, but it was a bit too complicated.  
The good news is that it was very simple to implement in Python.  I've 
pushed my changes to the CVS repository, but I probably won't be 
creating a new release for a while.  If you need a fix right away, you 
can either check out the CVS project, or simply download the two needed 
files from the URLs below and copy them into your plasTeX installation. 
 BTW, thanks for the test case.

Copy to plasTeX/Packages/wrapfig.py


to plasTeX/Renderers/XHTML/wrapfig.zpts


D. Smith


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