Hi Folks,

I'm working on a script that executes a command with arbitrary
options. Most of its options works fine with subprocess, but at least
one (as far as I know) is giving me a headache. The program that I'm
trying to execute is Nmap, and the problematic option is the -iL, that
is used to indicate a file with the targets that nmap should scan.

If I open my terminal, and write: nmap -iL "/tmp/target_list" , nmap
picks the file, read it and scan every target written inside it.

But, if I try to use the same scan on my command execution script, it
makes nmap raise a strange error:

"Failed to open input file "/home/adriano/umit/test/targets" for reading

This is not a permission issue. I put this target_file file on /tmp
and set chmod 777 on it.

The script:

_stdout_handler = open(self.stdout_output, "w+")
_stderr_handler = open(self.stderr_output, "w+")
command = ['nmap', '-T', 'Aggressive', '-n', '-F', '-iL',

command_process = Popen(command, bufsize=1,

The problem seens to be the double quoted path. But it doesn't make
any sense for me, as any other command that I put there works fine.

Any clue?


Adriano Monteiro Marques

"Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed." - George Burns

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