many_years_after wrote:

> John Machin wrote:
> > many_years_after wrote:
> > > Hi,everyone:
> > >
> > >      Have you any ideas?
> > >
> > >      Say whatever you know about this.
> > >
> >
> > Perhaps you had better explain what you mean by "ascii code of Chinese
> > characters". Chinese characters ("hanzi") can be represented in many
> > ways on a computer, in Unicode as well as many different "legacy"
> > encodings, such as GB, GBK, big5, two different 4-digit telegraph
> > codes, etc etc. They can also be spelled out in "roman" letters with or
> > without tone indications (digits or "accents") in the pinyin system --
> > is that what you mean by "ascii code"?
> >
> > Perhaps you might like to tell us what you want to do in Python with
> > hanzi and "ascii codes", so that we can give you a specific answer.
> > With examples, please -- like what are the "ascii codes" for the two
> > characters in the common greeting that comes across in toneless pinyin
> > as "ni hao"?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > John

> hi:
> what I want to do is just to make numbers as people input some Chinese
> character(hanzi,i mean).The same character will create the same
> number.So I think ascii code can do this very well.

*What* characters make *what* numbers? Stop thinking and give us some


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