Sometimes it's good to check things while working on them.  This seems 
like a good way to do that.

You could probably put these in a module and just import them.

    from validators import *

I'm interested if anyone can think of ways to improve this further.

Each validator consists of an assertion with an error message if the 
assertion fails.

The validator arguments can include an extra argument to check the 
return value.  Less than the number of arguments is ok. Any unspecified 
arguments are not checked.  Use Any to not check previous arguments in a 
list. (see the examples at the end)


# -------------  Some Simple Validators.

def Any(arg): pass

def IsNumber(arg):
     assert type(arg) in (int, long, float), \
            "%r is not a number" % arg

def IsInt(arg):
     assert type(arg) in (int, long), \
            "%r is not an Int" % arg

def IsFloat(arg):
     assert isinstance(arg, float), \
            "%r is not a flaot" % arg

def IsLong(arg):
     assert isinstance(arg, long), \
            "%r is not a long integer" % arg

def IsString(arg):
     assert type(arg) in (str, unicode), \
            "%r is not a string type" % arg

def InRange(start, stop):
     def inrange(arg):
         assert start <= arg <= stop, \
                "%r is not in range %r through %r" % (arg, start, stop)
     return inrange

def InSet(list_):
     s = set(list_)
     def inset(arg):
         assert arg in s, \
                "%r is not in %r" % (arg, s)
     return inset

def LessThan(value):
     def lessthan(arg):
         assert arg < value, \
                "%r is not less than %r." % (arg, value)
     return lessthan

def MoreThan(value):
     def morethan(arg):
         assert arg > value, \
                "%r is not more than %r." % (arg, value)
     return morethan

def IsEven(arg):
     assert arg % 2 == 0, \
            "%r is not even" % arg

def IsOdd(arg):
     assert arg % 2 == 1, \
            "%r is not odd" % arg

def IsPositive(arg):
     assert arg >= 0, \
            "%r is not positive" % arg

def IsNegative(arg):
     assert arg < 0, \
            "%r is not negative" % arg

def IsTrue(arg):
     assert arg is True, \
            "%r is not True" % arg

def IsFalse(arg):
     assert arg is False, \
            "%r is not False" % arg

# ----------------- The validator decorator.

def validate(*types):
     """ check arguments + return value against types given.
     def check_accepts(f):
         def new_f(*args, **kwds):
             assert len(types) <= len(args)+1, \
                    "Validators exceed arg count + return value."
             for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
                 result = f(*args, **kwds)
             if len(types)>len(args):
             return result
         new_f.func_name = f.func_name
         return new_f
     return check_accepts

# -------------- Examples to play around with.

@validate(Any, IsInt, IsEven)
def add(a, b):
     return a + b

@validate(InRange(1,6), InRange(1,6), LessThan(19))
def mul(a, b):
     return a * b

# they stack too
@validate(IsInt, IsInt)
@validate(Any, IsPositive)
def sub(a, b):
     return a - b

@validate(IsString, IsString)
def addstr(a, b):
     return a + b

print add(3.0, 5)
print mul(3, 6)
print sub(11, 9)
print addstr('Hello ', 'World')


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