> The reason for the a seperate persistant check is because it will be
> used to enable software to be installed in whole lab of PCs but only
> allow a predifined number to run the software at any time one time.
> And then when a user stop using the software a licence will become
> available to for someone else on the same or another PC to use the
> software.  The reason that the process of the software being check is
> not used is because it will be used for software written by other
> people.  I hope this makes what and why a little clearer.  Let me know
> if you think that I have misunderstoood you.

Hmm... I don't have experience with such architecture personally. The
software being managed must have some sort of dependency on the license
manager if the manager is to be external. I don't know how you can
reliably manage external programs that are decoupled from the license
manager. You can however create a plug-in of sorts if the other authors
would be willing to incorporate it without much work to them.

I mostly explored license management in Delphi apps. Since Delphi
is/was a Shareware favorite, it has quite a few open source /
commercial components available to manage such licensing, usually with
trivial effort from the component user. You could take a look at them
(http://www.torry.net/quicksearchd.php?String=shareware&Title=No). Some
of them might even compile on Lazarus to expose them to Python. By
large, the culture of Python is open source and such expertise may not
be common place here.

You might want to subscribe to the mailing lists of "Association of
Shareware Professionals" (http://www.asp-shareware.org/). I have not
been on this path in 5 years and so am out of touch.


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