Hello, I apologize in advance for the vague description, but as of now
I only have an idea of what I'd like to do, and need some guidance as
to if it is feasible, and where to begin.  Basically, I'd like to
create a web-based "job jar", that users in my office can access in
order to view, and "take ownership" of, misc. office tasks.  One idea I
had was that when users select a task (i.e. by selecting a check box
and clicking an UPDATE button), tasks are automatically put in an In
Progress list (which identifies the task and the user who took
ownership of it) - then, when the action is complete, the user updates
it again which puts it in a Completed list (again, with the task
description and the user who completed it).  However, only certain
users should be able to add and modify task descriptions.

Is this something that would be extremely lengthy to write in Python,
or are there applications already out there that would make more sense
to use (I've played around with Twiki, but believe it to be overkill).
If it makes sense to design it from scratch, where can I begin in terms
of which libraries to use, etc.? Thanks in advance.



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