> hardemr wrote:
> > I've just read all of the answers. Most of yours said that there are
> > many web frameworks ,so it is nonsense to make a new web framework in
> > python.
> Hardemr, I like Ajacksu's answer, with a twist. Please concnentrate on
> writing a Visual Studio-like gui designer, and make it possible to add
> your Visual Studio like gui designer to Django (and TurboGears, et al).
> Leverage the hard work of others and the installed base; add your
> functionality on top. Don't re-create the wheel, build your internal
> combustion engine powered vehicle on top of the 4 wheels that already
> exist! ;-))



Now would be a fantastic time to muck in and do as UrsusMaximus
suggests -- nobody on the pyjamas project is yet talking about such
things, but it's obviously an area that could make you very popular if
done well ;-)


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